Modern Slavery Statement.
Last Revision Date: 1st October, 2019
This slavery and human trafficking statement is made by Altitude Assist pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). It sets out the steps taken by Altitude Assist to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not present in our business or direct supply chain.
About Altitude Assist
Altitude Assist Alliance is a collaborative partnership between industry leading assistance companies, established to provide a standardised method of operating in altitude regions that create significant business pain-points for payers and providers.
Founded and chaired by Jane Hegeler, the goal of the alliance is to enhance all aspects of the assistance process by providing a single platform for all stakeholders to ensure timely assistance for travellers, while confirming the legitimacy of claims and managing high-claims costs.
Cost containment differs in varying locations, and due to the nature of most high-altitude assistance cases, costs can soar within minutes.
AAA has the local connections and in-country presence, supported and complimented by a strong network of providers, to ensure that the necessary attention is given to those in need, at the costs that should be paid, without compromising the quality of care.
Our supply chain
At Altitude Assist, we consider ourselves to be relatively low risk in relation to modern slavery, given the services we provide and the type of suppliers we use. Our key supply chain comprises our global network of service and information providers, many of whom are highly skilled experts and industry specialists. We periodically review our use of suppliers and, as necessary, adapt our processes if we determine that our risk has changed.
Our approach to combatting modern slavery
Altitude Assist is committed to conducting business in a responsible and ethical manner. We have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and expect the same high standards and commitment from those we do business with.
Altitude Assist’s internal policies and procedures aim to ensure that effective systems and controls are in place to prevent slavery and human trafficking from occurring in any part of our business. Altitude Assist’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics promotes a culture of integrity by establishing principles for how we deal with our clients, employees and the public. Amongst other things, the values and rules set out in the Code encourage us to foster a safe, healthy and productive workplace and to maintain accountability at all levels of the organisation. Employees are encouraged to report any concerns they may have, including in relation to the occurrence of slavery or human trafficking, either to management or through an anonymous ethics helpline.
Suppliers forming a key part of Altitude Assist’s supply chain, for example, those who assist us in our provision of services to clients, undergo a standardized vetting process, with the use of template agreements and a standard questionnaire to gather relevant information. Altitude Assist also runs due diligence reports on all of these suppliers as part of the vetting process. All suppliers must be vetted and approved before they can be used on any engagement. The vetting process is designed as a risk mitigation measure to provide the best service for our clients and to protect and enhance the Altitude Assist brand.
Altitude Assist has updated its UK supplier documentation to specifically refer to the Act and now requires each supplier to certify that they comply with the Act or equivalent principles.
Next steps
Going forward, Altitude Assist will continue to review and update policies and procedures with respect to this issue.